We started Blume at a time of self-reflection. We bonded over realizing that we aren’t living as creatively or intentionally as we wanted to. We started meeting up to talk about the direction we wanted our lives to head, to be purposeful in opening doors to a different lifestyle.
When we started asking questions, we both found that consciously choosing what goes into our bodies was labour intensive and confusing. Healthy choices were challenging to make with busy schedules and conflicting information. We also felt that the mind-body connection was being ignored by most health products. We knew that we couldn’t be the only people overwhelmed by how to start, so we started working towards a solution on how to make healthy choices easy.
When we opened ourselves up, we started to discover a long history of superfoods being used as natural aids to modern day ailments. We were learning about everyday ingredients with amazing healing powers. We noticed that many managed their caffeine and for whatever reason, we saw a lack of satisfying and healthy options for all the coffee dates, coffee meetings and coffee runs that happened in everyday life.
We decided that we were going to modernize and update the ancient tradition of utilizing plant powers to meet the North American palate. We wanted to elevate these elixirs to a place where you could enjoy them in any setting whether it be at home on your couch, or at an afternoon coffee meeting. We wanted to create blends that supported self-care moments, and general well-being not just physical health.
We found by sourcing high quality organic ingredients, we didn’t need to add sugar and artificial fillers. By micro-grinding the blends, they were more versatile in uses and it increased the availability of health benefits. We decided to offer caffeine-free options to encourage taking a moment to sit and sip and practice self-care at any time of day. Our mission is to provide easy to use alternatives with ingredients that elevate proven superfoods into blends that are delicious and specially formulated for wellness journeys both physical and mental.
Beyond healthy living, Blume has allowed us to live more vibrantly and creatively, and we want to support that in our community as well. Blume’s name refers to that moment when a flower is most vulnerable and about to transition into the next phase of life. We hope to support others in their journey and to take the work out of leading a healthy and balanced life by providing thoughtful nutrition that supports your body and mind.

Blume – Products
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