I always loved rice. But the empty calories, all the carbs, and that mystery packet of seasoning, started to keep me from eating it as much as I wanted to. When I realized I wasn’t the only one, I decided to do something about it.
Just as my passion for snacking inspired me to create ‘popchips’, I thought I could come up with a way to create a more nutritious rice. I put together a team of fellow rice lovers and got to work figuring out how to create a dry (shelf-stable) rice grain packed with the power of vegetables. We kept at it, blending different nutritious vegetables until it was just right.
That’s how we came up with RightRice. It was everything I hoped for and more. High protein. High fiber. Way lower carbs. Delicious and easy to cook. And a great line-up of original and already seasoned flavors. I’m happy to say that now we can all eat more rice again. Including kids in schools where we’re looking forward to sharing nutrition by the delicious bowlful.
To rice made right-er,
Keith Belling

RightRice – Introduction
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